-- Wholesale Only -- 

                                                            Wholesale customers please call for Plant availability list                                 

*Pricing subject to change without notice*

Hours 8 - 4:30 Monday - Friday

Potted Plants only available by will call or delivered on our trucks

Log in for Oregon Aquatics, Inc. Wholesale or Contractor Pricing
If you are a current Southwest Aquatics customer, please log in on the Southwest Aquatics website.

Shallow Water Plants-Potted

Min. 3 Per Variety

N/A (not available at this time)

Canna Freckle Face gal pot
'Canna freckle face'
Canna glauca Davia gal pot
'Canna Davia'
Canna Longwood Endeavor (red) gal pot
'Red Endeavor Canna'
Canna ORANGE PUNCH gallon
Canna 'Orange Punch'
Canna Panache gal pot
Canna 'Panache'
Canna Pink Sunburst gallon
Canna 'Pink Sunburst'
Canna Ra (yellow Longwood canna) gallon
'Yellow Longwood Canna'
Canna Tony gallon
Canna 'Tony'
Canna `Intrigue maroon leaved,orange peach flower
'Canna Intrigue'
Canna `Patonyellow orange center gallon
Canna 'Paton'
Canna ‘Australia Compact’
Canna ‘Flirtini’
Canna ‘Napoleon’
Canna ‘Peach Delight’
Carex nigra (black flowering sedge)
'Black Flowering Sedge'
Cephalanthus occidentalis (button bush) gallon
'Button Bush'
Colocasia antiquorum (imperial taro) gallon
Imperial Taro
Colocasia esc. Violet Stem (violet stem taro) gallon
'Violet Stem Taro'
Colocasia esculenta (green taro elephant ear) gallon
'Green taro elephant ear'
Colocasia esculenta Black Magic gallon
Black Magic
Colocasia esculenta `Chicago Harlequin gallon
'Chicago harlequin'
Colocasia esculenta `Elena' (chartreuse yellow taro) gal pot
`Elena chartreuse'
Colocasia esculenta ‘Coal Miner”
Colocasia `Tea Cuptea cup taro gallon
Colocasia `Tea Cup'
Cotula coronopifolia (Brass Buttons) gallon
Crinum Hannibals Dwarf (pink flowers) gallon
'Crinum Hannibals Dwarf'
Crinum Menehune (red leaf bog lily) gallon
'Red Leaf Bog Lily'
Cyperus alternifolius (umbrella palm) gallon
Umbrella Palm
Cyperus alternifolius Gracilis (dw umbrella palm) gallon
Dwarf Umbrella Palm
Cyperus giganteus (giant papyrus) gallon
'Giant Papyrus'